Meetings & Duties


All meetings are on Thursdays at 12 noon for 12.45




HHDate Month Venue Notes Speaker Topic Seating
8th August Haywards Heath GC Committee meeting 10:30 Ros Black Chailey Heritage Free
12th September Lindfield GC   Bill McNaughton Samual Cody Allocated
10th October Lindfield GC       Free
14th November Haywards Heath GC Committee meeting 10:30     Allocated
12th December Lindfield GC AGM Members Only   Free




Attendance at Monthly Meetings, Apologies and Guests


Apologies for absence must be given to the Executive Committee member responsible (Andrew Wimbush (01444 413571) currently, or in his absence his appointed replacement) by 9.00 PM on the Sunday evening before the monthly meeting, failing which any absent member should pay the Treasurer as soon as possible the full amount due for his missed meal. The lunch charge is £25.


If apologies are given by email, the apology will be noted and an acknowledgement emailed to the member. If such an acknowledgement is not received, the apology is not valid, and a missed lunch will have to be paid for.


Additionally, a member should not contact the restaurant at any time to cancel his meal or attempt to negotiate exemption from payment.

Also where a member has made a payment in order to participate in any Club event or activity, he and any guests will not be entitled to reimbursement if he or his guests subsequently cancel (unless he is able to find replacements and/or there is no loss to the Club).


Members may bring guests to meetings subject to prior notification to and the agreement of the Member designated to record attendance. Such guests shall not attend lunches on more than four occasions in any twelve month period




Lunch duties 2024

  Grace Thanks   Grace Thanks
January Mike Kirk John Schofield July David Brann Mike Littlejohns
February James Beacon George Ruse August Robin Russell Terry Cooper
March David Sawyer Malcolm McKenzie September Rod Wafer Richard Toomer
April Rodney Jago Paul Graham October David Sawyer Ken Alfree
May Ian Plumer Don Miller-Jones November Richard Greig Roger Martin
June Peter Enser Roger Townsend December Chris Bosker -


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Mid-Sussex Probus Club